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Girls in the Library

Certified Courses

Courses: Programs


Scrum Master Certified (SMCâ„¢) professionals have a practical, working
knowledge of Scrum that equips them to implement and work in a
Scrum environment. The purpose of the exam is to confirm the
applicants have achieved sufficient understanding of how to apply
Scrum in the projects and to tailor Scrum in a particular scenario.

Scrum Product Owner Certification (SPOC)


Product Owner represents the interests of the stakeholders in the Scrum
Team. Commonly called ‘the voice of the customer’, the Product Owner
is responsible for ensuring clear communication of product or service
functionality requirements.

Scrum Developer Certification (SDC)


Scrum Developer Certified (SDCâ„¢) is an entry level certification forScrum Team members and those who interact with any Scrum Team.The objective of this certification is to ascertain that you understand thebasics of Scrum which Scrum team members need to know to effectively

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